Please note change of venue, new date and time:
New time: Wednesday, February 16 · 10:00am – 1:00pm
New Venue: Southold Town Recreation Center
970 Peconic Lane
Peconic, NY
Due to the latest Winter Storm Watch advisory and because so many will have to travel to attend the scheduled meeting on Wednesday, please be advised that the Coastal Erosion Meeting has been postponed.
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Southold Town Recreation Center, 970 Peconic Lane, Peconic, NY.
Please pass along this information to anyone you know that was planning to attend this meeting. Thank you.
Ruthanne Woodhull, Office of Supervisor Russell
Re: Coastal Erosion Meeting NoticeSupervisor Scott A. Russell has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of discussing short-term and long-term coastal erosion, especially along Route 48 and the LI Sound area in Southold. Representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers, the DEC and the Suffolk County DPW will be in attendance together with Legislator Ed Romaine and town officials. Realistic expectations for a solution to this erosion challenge will be the focus of the agenda.Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.F or additional information, please contact Supervisor Scott Russell’s office at 631- 765-1889.
The original notice is here:
Hashamomuck Group has a Facebook Event Page HERE : If you have a Facebook Account, please send invites to this event to friends and neighbors.
If you cannot attend the meeting, please WRITE A LETTER. Were you directly impacted by the last storms? If so, how? How vulnerable do you think your property is? What short term and long term solutions do the various agencies need to consider? Write to:
Scott A. Russell – Supervisor
phone: (631) 765-1889
Fax (631) 765-1823
Southold Town Hall
53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Points you may wish to include in your letter:
South shore beaches are being refurbished, notably Jones Beach. If they can do it there, why don’t they take the same tactic for the North Fork? About 2 weeks ago, Goldsmith’s Inlet was dredged and the sand dumped on nearby beaches. Why can’t they replenish the storm ravaged beaches using sand from dredging?

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