SoutholdVOICE is happy to confirm that dredging is about to start on schedule on October first.
They will be starting in Budds Pond on Monday. Budds Pond had permits already in place so it was not on the new list of required permits. It was already on the Town and County list. As it is a project of limited scope, it should only take a few days.
Southold’s Trustees report that they continue to work very closely with the Suffolk County Department of Public Works. Conversations have been positive, and the expectation is that Southold will come away from this dredging season with our fair share of projects completed. The most recent plan is for the dredge to open the season in Budds Pond, then move over to North Sea Harbor, then possibly Fresh Pond, then come across the bay and do Cedar Beach and Little Creek. These projects should take us into November.
Those with boats still in the scheduled creeks should take account of the probability that access in and out will be limited to non-existent while the dredge is at work.
While no additional permits have yet been released, there is an expectation of some being released soon. Once that is done, a better determination can be made as to where the dredge will actually move to next.
The Trustees promise to keep Southold VOICE informed of any decisions made.
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