Dredging Update from Dave Bergen:
I am pleased to announce that Suffolk County DPW was successful this week in obtaining a special, one time permit to dredge James Creek. This creek hosts two marinas which contain close to 300 boats, plus serves the public’s needs with a launching ramp and fuel docks. Not to be forgotten are all of the private property owners inside this creek who also have boats. The County did not get to this location last winter as they ran out of time. While the DEC fully supported this project, the Army Corp required us to jump through many hoops.
I worked closely with Mr. Bob Whelen with SCDPW who went above and beyond in working to obtain these permits. I also want to recognize Mr. John Sep with the Town who dropped everything to help to obtain the necessary bird evaluations along with Jim McMahan with the Town who took inspectors out on his personal boat to gain information. Recognition also needs to be made to Legislature Romaine, Congressman Bishop, Senator LaValle and Lauren from Senator Clinton’s office who responded to my plea for help. The work should begin any day now and I ask for the cooperation of the local boaters within James Creek to cooperate with the men on the rig as they work.
I am also continuing to work very hard with Bob Whelan and others to obtain a similar permit for Wickham Creek. Like James Creek, the crew could not get to Wickham during the dredging window last winter. I will keep you posted.
Dave Bergen
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