President’s Report- Planning and Progress update August 21, 2007
At the July meeting I suggested we have a party at the end of the summer to get together and celebrate our success.While discussing this at our last board meeting, the board wisely advised that it is inappropriate to spend funds we have not solicited and expend our energy to have a party at a time when we have so much work to do….I concur. With Bud Holman’s help, we have our non profit status and tax id number.The Board and other volunteers have begun working on the following areas to build our SoutholdVOICE organization:
- Started our Trustee Liaison Committee to monitor and report on our SoutholdVOICE website, the Trustee meetings.
- Began collecting input on the changes proposed by the trustees in local law 275 Initiated thewriting reports for the website on the LWRP
- Began organizing the geographic area coordinators to build our base of stakeholders.
- Began our PR and membership development committees.
- Continue to work with graphics volunteers to design our logo.
- Began planning quarterly newsletters.
- Activated our Fundraising Committee to begin planning.
- Tallying the input from our last meeting so that we are informed of your major concerns and a can plan actions from them So that idea is on hold, probably until early summer…
Job #1 has been, and continues to be: ASK YOUR FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS to SIGN ON TO THE website, click on the membership tab, and fill out the contact form!Presently we are 500 strong … and yet we all know at least 10 people who should be and are not signed in!Can’t we double our numbers in a week or so, just by asking?Dredging Season begins Oct 1.We should be over 1000 by then!
These numbers will be important when the changes in Local Law 275 come up for discussion.We have posted the trustees’ proposals on warrants your serious attention! Tell your neighbors to get on the website and read these proposals which will affect your property usage.The website is the place to VOICE your opinion and question these changes!
Not involved and want to be?Contact me.We have a plethora of projects big and small so you can do exactly what you want, as much as you want.
John Kramer
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