According to the Town’s website, Southold 2020 is a community-wide effort to plan for the physical growth and development of the Town of Southold. A Comprehensive Plan for the Town is to be the blueprint for future government action and a basis for Zoning and other Town Code to ensure future development and growth is in line with Southold’s vision.
The concept of a Master Plan is a good one, however …
The plan needs to be fair and equitable to all sectors of the Town which leads me to the most recently published draft chapter: “Community Character” dated June 22, 2011.
One specific objective outlined in that chapter of concern states:
Goal 1.2: Manage important scenic resources; Objective 1d): Achieve a 20 percent reduction of hardened shoreline structures in the Long Island Sound and Peconic Estuary to improve visual access along the waterfront.
This goal, if implemented and regulated would have a significant effect on every waterfront property owner in the Town, their well being, their property rights, and their property value. This goal implies that for every 100 requests/applications submitted to the Board of Trustees- 20 must be denied to achieve the goal.
Therefore, SoutholdVOICE representing its membership and every waterfront property owner in the Town submitted the following letter to all that may have an input to the final version of the Chapter including Heather Lanza, Director of Planning, The Town Board, The Board of Town Trustees and the Town Attorney requesting that any suggestion of a goal or mandate as noted be stricken from the Master Plan. Click the image on the left or here to read the letter.
I am happy to report that I have been told that Goal 1.2 has now been stricken from the suggested final version of the Community Character Chapter.
We will continue to represent our member’s interests, but I would also suggest that everyone get involved in the review of the draft chapters of the Comprehensive Plan as they are published.
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