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There’s an App for that!

Southold Town is changing!

Change in Southold is an undisputed fact. It does not matter whether you have lived here all your life, ten years, or became a Southold resident a year ago, you have seen change; we all understand that Southold is changing!
As a waterfront property owner and someone interested in our Town’s extensive waterfront – how can you keep up or influence how change will happen or affect us? Simply – “There’s an app for that!”

In deference to the oft seen commercial for the ATT iphone, Southold VOICE is the App to keep abreast of issues affecting the shoreline and marine resources as well as possible regulatory provisions or the rights of riparian owners.
SoutholdVOICE is a player in this sea of change. Just look at the results of the recent election …
Our “Questions to Candidates” posted on the website and also distributed throughout Town as our September/October newsletter educated voters, and SoutholdVOICE received numerous compliments from both members and non-members alike about our effort. I believe it is a fair assumption that we had an effect on how people considered each candidate. What would have been the outcome if SoutholdVOICE didn’t get involved?
A recent initiative by the Town entitled Southold 2020,(http://Southoldtown.northfork.net – hotlink: Comprehensive Plan: Southold2020) which as outlined on the Town’s website is “a community-wide effort to plan for the physical growth and development of the Town of Southold, New York” will affect us all! As their website states”…The information gathered through public meetings and other outreach efforts will be used in the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a document that includes principles, policies and maps to guide where development should go and what it should be like.” Once again, SoutholdVOICE will monitor and report on this effort to be sure you are heard.
John F. Kennedy once said: “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” We are the future; you are the future.
Keep up with what’s happening as it affects us all! Sign up for email updates on the SoutholdVOICE website! Get involved – a little or a lot, it all counts! Will change control us or will we control change?” Your involvement helps determine the answer.
SoutholdVOICE is you voice! Be heard!

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About "Janet Deluca"

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