Member Question: I recently acquired a Soundfront property high on a bluff. I keep reading about the need to use “proper” plantings to maintain the bluff, but no one ever seems to say what is “proper.” Right now, there is mostly poison ivy along the edge, that must go. What should it be replaced with?
Good question. Please consult with the Trustees about any proposed plans to replant areas of your property that may be within their jurisdiction.
Regarding obtaining guidelines and lists of suitable plants, Southold VOICE contacted Cornell Cooperative Extension earlier this year. They had published a document on Seashore Plantings, which was (and maybe still is) given out at The Town Hall and various business offices of Attorneys and Permitters who work locally. Our intention was simply to obtain a clean copy to publish on this website for reference. However, the following response was received late April 2008:
This publication is out-of-print and no longer available at this time. It has been taken off our web page because it was put together several years ago and includes some of what are considered “invasive plants”. Therefore we do not want it to be listed as a resource on your web site. Eventually it should be updated, but I can not give you a time frame at this time for the revision.”
Thomas Kowalsick
Insect and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab
Cornell Cooperative Extension – Suffolk County
423 Griffing Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901
631-727-7850 x334
For what’s it’s worth, we do have a copy, but are not sure how relevant it is, given all of the above. Please send a request using the reply box below if it’s of interest, providing name and email address.
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