A Suffolk Times report today on Southold Town’s Comprehensive Master Plan, by Beth Young, notes that Southold VOICE’s August letter, by John Betsch to the Planning Department, was key to the town’s elimination of the goal to reduce the percentage of hardened shoreline in Southold from the chapter on “Community Character”.
A complete copy of John Betsch’s letter to Heather Lanza was posted in this September article, in which John also stated,
We will continue to represent our member’s interests, but I would also suggest that everyone get involved in the review of the draft chapters of the Comprehensive Plan as they are published.
Planning Director Heather Lanza told The Suffolk Times that her office heard of Southold VOICE’s concerns through John Betsch’s letter, and now plans to address shoreline hardening instead in the natural resources chapter of the plan.
The goal to reduce shoreline hardening was about “improving visual access”, (whatever that means). John Kramer called it an outrageous idea, and John Betsch told the Suffolk Times this week:
We can see it coming eventually where somebody who lives on the other side of the street from a waterfront property says ‘you’re preventing my viewshed’.
The chapter on “Natural Resources”, due to be drafted in June 2012, and will include shoreline hardening based on a more thorough analysis by planners. This issue has the potential for significant effect on the well-being, property rights, and property value of many. Mark your calendars now.
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