Southold Recreation Center, Peconic Lane, Peconic, NY
Saturday July 18th from 8.30am to 11.30am
The first half hour or so is tentatively planned for a “meet and greet”, to give everyone an opportunity to chat with other SoutholdVOICE members and the Board.
Please make a point of attending to make YOUR voice heard on matters affecting YOUR use of Southold’s waterfront. There will be speakers addressing such issues as the permitting process and why, alone among all building permits, permits for waterfront structures are NOT conveyed to the buyer when you sell your property!
We anticipate other keynote speakers on such important issues as insurance and landscaping with native plantings. With the upcoming elections for Town Board and Trustees, SoutholdVOICE plans to become proactive in airing the views of the candidates on issues important to waterfront owners and recreational users of our waters.
Please attend!
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