I bet you didn’t know that your Board of Directors meets every month!
We meet monthly to go over finances, budgets/expenditures, new and ongoing projects and conceptual ideas for SV to consider, as well as other issues important to the membership. Each Board member accepts their responsibility very seriously and should be congratulated for their efforts. Give them an “Atta-Boy” next time you speak with any of them.
I am happy to report that at our recently held Annual Meeting of your Board of Directors, held per our bylaws, board members: Paul Birman, Dianne Castaldi, and Pat Moore – whose terms were to end this past year – have accepted another term. Thanks to them.
Our bylaws do allow for additional board members and I would welcome conversation with any active member who wants to play a stronger role in SoutholdVOICE. Either email or call me or any Board Member.
SV is an All-volunteer organization whose mission is supported solely by its membership. We need your support. Our ability to fulfill our/your mission depends directly upon the generosity of our supporters and members both monetarily and volunteerism.
To steal a phrase from another organization, it is important to share your “time and talent” as well as your financial support.
The more members are involved, the better your organization will be.
Give me a call at 631-655-7255 and let’s talk! Or if you wish, email me at Johnbetsch@southoldvoice.com
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