Walk me through the first three things you would do if you got this job.
[divider_1]DOMINO: (1) Study the Town Code …specifically Chapter 275-Wetlands and Shoreline Code; Chapter 96 – boats, docks, and wharves; Chapter 111 – Coastal erosion.
(2) Join the Shellfish Advisory Committee
(3) Earn DEC certification as a water quality tester to ensure valid scientific methodology working to get shellfish lands re-opened for harvest.
GHOSIO: (A)- Continue working towards streamlining, or at least making the permit process in town hall, more understandable and easy to navigate.
(B)- Get more actively involved in the development of the Town’s new Comprehensive Plan, and
(C) Work towards bettering our Deer Management Program.
SANDERS: I would extensively study the Town Codes:
-Chapter 96- Boats, Docks and Wharves
-Chapter 111-Town of Southold Coastal Erosion Hazard Area law
-Chapter 219-Shellfish and other Marine Resources
-Chapter 275- Wetlands Law of the Town of Southold
I would seek to earn DEC certifications as a water quality tester and on an administrative note, I would observe common practices and evaluate more efficient ways to conduct business and save the taxpayers money.[divider_1]
BREDEMEYER: 1) Continue my work on the shellfish advisory committee to reopen creeks.
2) Promote mandatory annual shellfish stock assessments for bay scallops to promote equitable harvest between commercial and residential shellfishers in years of abundance.
3) Seek science-based measures to protect eelgrass beds that continue to decline.
[divider_1]WELLS: Whenever I take on a new project I seek to understand the processes first. I will use my experience applying structured systems analysis to all town codes pertaining to Trustees, including policies, procedures and processes. Once documented, I will verify (with full transparency) the accuracy of the analysis with my peers. The result of this analysis usually identifies redundancies and inefficiencies… Second, I will categorize past cases into type and study how the Trustees came to their decisions. Third, I will identify criteria that can be used as KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators), against which I can measure my own and the Trustees’ performance.[divider_1]
DINIZIO: 1. I would utilize the experience I have gained working within the Building, Planning, and Zoning departments to set up and codify a set of procedures and standards that would govern the individual actions of members of each board as well as boards as a whole.
2. I would encourage a more intensified use of Municity software by town employees and town board members. This program is not currently being used at anywhere near its full potential. I believe that it can be a great tool to promote efficiency and responsibility in town hall.
3. Work to increase the enforcement of our codes currently on the books.[divider_1]
EISENSTEIN: I am a good listener, a quick learner and I realize that there are many issues to learn therefore I would do the following:
1. Establish dialogues with each of the current board members to bring me up to speed on the current issues and the history of how they have developed.
2. I would set up a series of periodic community meetings with different interest groups to continually having a dialogue with the citizens of the Town to keep abreast of current concerns
3. I would meet with all of the department heads in the town and their staffs to hear their concerns and suggestions for making them more efficient and effective to serve the residents of Southold Town.[divider_1]
ROTHMAN: I have no agendas as to what I would do or could do. I would act in a responsible fashion to deal with issues that face the town. Preserving open space, our natural resources, and the these quality of life issues we are faced with on a daily basis would take high priority. It is OUR town and we all must face and deal with the issues in a responsible, balanced and transparent fashion.
FINORA: My first three things would be to better acquaint myself with my fellow trustees a I am a huge believer in the power of regular, clear and honest communication. Next I would prepare a priority-based agenda. Third, I would be sure our constituents understand the importance of our waterfront issues and how we must confront them together, even if this means making seemingly painful decisions.
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