The 2009 dredging season has begun. The dredge has been working over on the south shore for a few weeks now. They need to get Cold Spring, Fresh and North Sea done before they come over to Southold. The good news is that I received word today that the permit for Budd Pond (Port of Egypt area) was released today and is in the hands of SCDPW. I have been told that it will be done this season.
Our dredging list for this season is very long. Locations include Budd, Cedar, Richmond, Corey, Little, James, Town and Brushes creeks. I am still fighting the battle for Halls, but it appears that the permits for Halls will not be released prior to January. How many locations they will get to depends on weather and the scope of the jobs. The permits for many areas run out December 15. The rest of them run out January 15. I did lobby the County to approve overtime for the crew so that they can work six days a week, ten hours each day. This is significant given the County budget status. I will update the members once the dredge is done with the south side. As a side note, please get everyone out to vote on November 3. Your vote is very important.
Dave Bergen
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