First there was Pennsylvania 6-5000 (Glenn Miller), then Beachwood 4-5789 (The Marvelettes) and now its 655-7255 as a catchy easy-to-remember telephone number.
Why should you remember 655-7255? It’s the number of SoutholdVOiCE, of course, and one you should have handy.
Whenever you have a question, an idea, or need help with anything to do with our mission – which is your mission, that’s the number to call! As a member of SoutholdVOICE, you have a vast resource of information at your fingertips. Whether it’s the Watchdog or the VOICE Live columns on the website, the member’s forum, or the monthly newsletter- there is always helpful and informative information at your fingertips.
Whether it’s to report an issue with a creek, or beach or to inquire about the permitting or some other process – that’s the number to call! To volunteer for one of our efforts or to suggest a new project – that’s the number to call! To simply vent about a problem affecting waterfront property owners, issues affecting our shoreline, riparian rights, or regulatory protection, that’s the number to call
Remember 655-7255, (area code 631). That’s the number to call! I look forward to speaking with you. Talk to you soon!
And lastly, while the first two phone numbers I mentioned above are easily sung/remembered, I am not sure how to write ours to be sure the SoutholdVOICE phone number easily remembered: How about: 6 55 – 72 55. Well, you get the idea.
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