LWRP Coordinating Council Meeting
Thursday November 8, 2007
1. Update on department coordination issues
2. LWRWP code revisions grant status
3. Correspondence
4. Downs Creek
5. LWRP compliance analysis
a. Dock analysis
b. LWRP response analysis
c. ZBA LWRP review analysis
6. LWRP Required training for grants
7. Funding for Arshamomaque Pond watershed projects
8. New code/procedure issues
a. Modify LWRP exemption list to remove in place in kind replacement under certain circumstances
b. Require upgraded septic systems and possible issues with SCDHS
c. Need for slope law and/or additions to CEHA law
d. Buffers, restrictions and other permit requirements being filed as covenants and restrictions
e. Chapter 275 wetlands definitions
f. Chapter 275 requirements for MI and MII properties
g. Chapter 275 prohibitions on actions within wetland areas/negative setback issue
h. Trustees using new Drainage Code
i. Disposal of Andros Patent lands
9. 303D Water bodies and coliform/nitrogen TMDLs, new MS4 Phase II requirements for 2008
10. Trustee Chapter 275 changes
Summary Report by Dan Christianson
Items 1. through 7. were covered in varying detail. As one would expect, many of the topics were updates of previous business items.
Item 2. covered the present status and future plans for revisions necessary to bring the LWRP and all town codes into line. This item involves a $150,000/$150,000 grant-and-matching-funds program.
Members of the Council are particularly concerned about mitigating road runoff, and considering what has been done already, and is being considered for the future, progress being made is impressive.
Items 8. a. through i. and items 9. and 10. will be covered at a later LWRPCC meeting; date and time to be determined.
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