In cooperation with the Trustee Office, Southold VOICE has prepared the following information for those who need to apply for an emergency Town of Southold Trustee permit due to damage from the last storm.
An emergency Trustee permit is one that is given to include temporary fixes to secure damage. They are for Band-Aid repairs only and cover items which are not permanent but simply to secure damaged areas. A full permit is necessary for permanent repair.
Applicants should fill out as much information as possible on the needed Trustee forms, and bring to the Trustee Office, located at Town Hall Annex Building, 54375 Route 25, Southold, NY 11971, in the Capital One Bank Building. The Trustee office staff will assist and will review the forms with you for the needed information.
Emergency Permit Applications include the following forms which can be found on the Trustee website at
One original and one copy of the application packet is needed and includes:
- Application: 7 page form NOTE: Be sure that the permit application project description is the same as /matches what your contractor says is needed to be done
- Application/Agent/Representative Transactional Disclosure Form: 1 page Conflict of Interest form
- Short Environmental Assessment Form: 1 page
- A copy of property survey: Most recent you have available and/or photos of the property and damage
- Application Fee: $50
No Notice to Neighbors Form is needed for this application
No LWRP Assessment form is needed
No Storm Water Assessment Form is needed for this application
Emergency permit applications will be acted upon quickly by the Trustees, in most cases not waiting for their monthly meeting. Meetings are usually the third Wednesday of the month.
DEC permits are also necessary.
For DEC permits, you need to register with John Wieland, Deputy Regional Permit Administrator-Region 1, and he will fax the needed permit application to you. You MUST register with John Wieland. This also is only for emergency DEC permits; full permits must go through normal channels. John Wieland can be contacted on 631-444-0359.
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UPDATE Jan 10th 2011: Trustee Bob Ghosio has now put the forms together into a single package, that is available to download HERE.
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