Q6. Bluff protection: Do you support the use of landscape retaining walls to protect Sound-front bluffs? Can we get your support vs. the DEC?
Jim King, Trustee Candidate: I have always supported bluff restoration by planting or terracing and retaining walls, if necessary, on soundfront properties. Contrary to your second part of question 6, the DEC has also supported these solutions.
Bob Ghosio, Trustee Candidate: Depending on the angle of repose, a series of retaining walls may be needed to protect Sound front bluffs. I support their use as well as the use of bulkheads to engage the bluff toe, so long as it does not prevent someone from traversing an existing beachfront. In fact, aerial footage of the bluffs along the Sound front shows quite a difference between protected bluffs and bluffs not protected. Those with proper retaining walls etc. are filled with vegetation and seem healthy while those left natural have in many places, fallen down and have no habitat left.
Bill Ruland, Councilman Candidate: I support the use of properly designed retaining walls to protect Sound-front bluffs. Yes, I would be willing to work to encourage the DEC to change their position on this issue.
Scott Russell, Supervisor Candidate: I fully support the use of landscape ties for use of erosion control along the Sound bluffs. In fact, I would support legal action challenging the DEC’s decision making here. That being said, sand needs to do what it does to keep beaches nourished for the benefit of all water front property owners. I would ask this organization to engage with Southold Town to ensure that littoral drifts are maintained as best as can be without damage to specific properties.
Jill Doherty, Council Candidate: Landscape retaining walls on Sound front bluffs do not work in all cases. I have supported this system in the past and will support it again if I feel it will work on a particular piece of property. I have seen this system fail in some areas and work great in other areas. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to review each application separately and allow for some discretion in the approval process.
Steve Brautigam, Trustee Candidate: The village I work for has received permission to install geotubes (these are large special bags full of sand) to protect the bluffs/dunes. I would also encourage beach scraping inside the footprint of the engineered beach to protect the dune. I would be open to new ideas and suggestions proposed by professionals in the field. If plausible, I would recommend/convince the other agencies to allow these new ideas. I know for a fact that the DEC and other envirmental entities are exploring new ways to solve old problems. From my experience it is better to convince them to make an exception than just say no.
Bob Meguin, Supervisor Candidate: I do not support the use of retaining walls to protect sound front bluffs as a general rule. I would support other methods and ideas suggested by environmental professionals which are both reasonable and sound scientifically, even if opposed by the DEC regulators.
Repeated calls for answers from the following candidates were not answered by press time:
Council Candidates Nick Deegan and Marie Domenici
Trustee Candidate Lynn Summers
Go to question 1: Your Motivation to Run
Go to question 2: Waterfront Views
Go to question 3: Buildable Land
Go to question 4: Coastal Stewards
Go to question 5: Storm Damage
Go to question 6: Bluff Protection
Go to question 7: Qualifications
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Flickr photo: courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/63385344@N00/3020517303/
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