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VIDEO: Hashamomuck Cove – The Last 17 Feet

Including footage shot over more than a year, I have produced a short documentary video (less than 5 minutes) that touches briefly on some of the key issues surrounding an 8 year long battle waged by Lynn Laskos and the Hashamomuck Cove Group to save their homes and raise awareness of the threat to County Road 48 from coastal erosion. It’s a race against time. What are the options?

A story as complex as this deserves an hour long documentary – not only to explore the impact on the lives of the people whose homes are affected, also to explain the science behind coastal erosion stabilization generally, its’ successes and failures and to throw light on the challenges faced by various government agencies currently involved in finding the funding, then implementing remedial work to secure the coastline from further damage, if at all possible, and in a timely fashion.

In the meantime, here’s a brief glimpses of how the Cove has changed over the past year, from last summer, through the winter Nor’easter, and the condition now, as of this last weekend, October 16th 2011. Interwoven with this material, I have included selected extracts of County Legislator Ed Romaine and homeowner Lynn Laskos.

For best viewing, please click full screen and turn up the volume, then “like” on the website to encourage others to take an interest, share amongst your colleagues and friends, embed in your own pages and websites and as always, your feedback and comments are welcome. Watch this knowing that there’s another Nor’easter forecast for later this week.

Hashamomuck Cove – The Last 17 feet from joanna lane on Vimeo.

The Long Island Sound batters the north shore of Long Island daily. In Hashamomuck Cove, on the east end of the North Fork, a small group of waterfront homes form that represent the only buffer to County Rd 48, a major road that also carries infrastructure to points east, including water and gas lines along approximately 10 miles of coastline. When a major Nor’easter hit Long Island in December 2010, no area of coastline was hit harder that Hashamomuck Cove. During the height of the storm, two houses were taken and waves higher than 6ft drove the water to a distance from the road of only 17ft.

For more information, please go to categories on this website and search Hashamomuck Cove and Coastal Erosion.

Joanna Lane


About "Janet Deluca"

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