The agenda included sewer systems, dredging windows, aquaculture, farms, wineries, and Greenport Village. Then others such as SoutholdVOICE, Inc., could ask questions or raise issues in our areas of interest.
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This is sample excerpt text. This is sample excerpt text. This is sample excerpt text. This is sample excerpt text.
Trustee meeting notes of 7/23/08 5:30 -11 pm I posed the following question to the Trustees during the work session, asking them to respond individually and in writing. I also gave them each a copy of Dunewood Truglia’s CD with the paginated LWRP and...
Read MoreSouthold Town’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), impacts almost everyone on the North Fork, especially those involved with any kind of permitting. Each applicant must show consistency with the LWRP, and it’s not an easy process, not least because the document itself is a...
Read MoreFrom Dave Bergen: I wanted to provide everyone with the latest update on meetings concerning docks on the bays. I received notification today that there has been a meeting scheduled for this Thursday July 10 at 9 AM in the Town Hall Annex. Invited...
Read MoreNEW YORK, NY (June 23, 2008) – Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo today announced a lawsuit against the federal Department of Commerce for violating federal law with its new limits on recreational catches of summer flounder along the east coast. The suit charges that...
Read MoreONLINE PREMIERE OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES DOCUMENTARY Developed to give everyone a better understanding of the work of the Southold Town Trustees, this half hour program “Stewards of Our Shoreline” explains the history of the Trustees, the parameters of Trustee jurisdiction and shares...
Read MoreIt was a busy schedule, with a 5:30 start and 11:15 ending. A Trustee’s primary virtue seems to be a tolerance for repetitive, off subject remarks by the public, who if listening, would have heard the answer to their questions about 8 times before...
Read MoreSouthold VOICE Annual General Meeting We have reserved the Peconic Recreation Center on Peconic Lane, Peconic, for our annual meeting at 8:30 A.M. – 11 A.M Saturday July 19. Mark your calanders and plan to attend. Watch this space for more information! Free!
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