Update from Lynn Laskos, Chair Hashamomuck Cove Group:
Channel 11 news did a very nice interview with Debbie Grillos and her husband Joe, one of the homeowners whose bulkhead has washed away and foundation is exposed and cracked.
They panned the beach house and showed the Alex Norden house, the Yuelys house with their severe damage and of course the late Virginia Dietrich’s home. The newscaster made it a point to show how extremely close County Road 48 was on David’s property and that government officials cannot ignore this this time.
They also mentioned how the Town of Southold is issuing emergency permits for all of us in need. We have Supervisor Russell and Trustee Jill Doherty to thank. Supervisor Russell called me first thing Monday to make sure his residents were SAFE.
Homeowners, we have a long road ahead and now more than ever need to be one family to get through this and get help.
All we want is the beach repaired and stabilized and hope that the Army Corp/NYS/Suffolk County/Southold Town plan some immediate action to prevent the loss of homes and the possible breach of County Road 48.
Hashamomuck Cove Group will continue to fight!
To a peaceful tide tonight at our cove
Here’s the video:
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