The Town is starting to address some “impaired water bodies”, namely Richmond Creek, Goose Creek and some Mattituck Creek road ends, potentially using porous pavement at specific road ends. It is now over three years since SoutholdVOICE initiated our “Only Rain in the Drain” campaign to help mitigate problems caused by stormwater runoff.
While addressing some nasty road end issues, we tried as best we could to assist the Town in fulfilling State mandated MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) requirements. Our organization contributed circular aluminum markers with their “Only Rain in the Drain” message to help protect the quality of water that flows into our creeks, bays, wetlands and into Long Island Sound. Working with the Town of Southold and authorized by the Town Board through Resolution 2008-86, SoutholdVOICE medallions were permanently affixed on stormwater drains throughout the Town. This has increased public awareness of water quality and runoff effects on our waterways.
In addition, our brochure entitled “Only Rain in the Drain” was also created to educate and remind citizens of the effect of stormwater pollution. Brochures were distributed widely throughout the Town, and it should be noted that the medallion project was self funded by SoutholdVOICE through the generosity of our members for the benefit of all citizens of Southold.
Unfortunately, no information was forthcoming from the Town regarding the location of known drains. After repeated requests (“we’re developing a list”), all the drains that were labeled by us were as a result of locating them through our own efforts.
At the same time and as part of our ongoing efforts, we advocated for the use of porous pavement products that are accepted and being utilized throughout the country, including in similar climate conditions as ours. This effort met with little success from the town.
Finally, SoutholdVOICE had representation on the Town’s Stormwater Committee, and tried to influence solutions as best we could. Unfortunately, the Town chose to reconstitute that committee and the committee now only includes Town employees. So we lost our only avenue of information and ability to assist.
Fast forward to today
Apparently there are now some grant monies potentially available, but only specific “impaired water bodies” are being addressed. There are many serious road end issues which also need to be resolved, not just the few under consideration. One only needs to watch the plume of silt generated at the end of Nassau Point Road or Long Creek Drive after a rainfall to understand the enormity of the problem. We posted this article to draw attention to Long Creek over 4 years ago!
We need your help
SoutholdVOICE will continue to lobby and pursue our “Only Rain in the Drain” efforts. Please send any road end or other issues that you are aware of or any known road area problems (and if possible include a jpeg picture of the problem) to us so we may pursue and lobby for corrective action. Please use the form below to contact us or call 631-655-7255.
We will not end our efforts to resolve this problem and will continue to try to support Town efforts as a good citizen organization. It’s for our well being as waterfront property owners.

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